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PHP has an library which provides access to resources (shell, remote exec, tunneling, file transfer) on a remote machine using a secure cryptographic transport. Objectively, it is a tedious and highly frustrating task for a developer to implement it due to its overwhelming configuration options and complex API with little documentation.

PHP具有库,该库可使用安全的密码传输方式访问远程计算机上的资源(shell,远程执行程序,隧道,文件传输)。 客观地讲,由于其繁琐的配置选项和复杂的API(几乎没有文档),对于开发人员而言,实现它是一项繁琐且令人沮丧的任务。

Connection between client and server

The (PHP Secure Communications Library) package has a developer friendly API. It uses some optional PHP extensions if they’re available and falls back on an internal PHP implementation otherwise. To use this package, you don’t need any non-default PHP extensions installed.

所述 (PHP 小号 ecureÇommunications 郭宝宏)封装具有显影剂友好API。 如果可用,它将使用一些可选PHP扩展,否则将依赖内部PHP实现。 要使用此软件包,您不需要安装任何非默认PHP扩展。

安装 (Installation)

composer require phpseclib/phpseclib

This will install the most recent stable version of the library via .


用例 (Use-cases)

Before diving in blindly, I’d like to list some use-cases appropriate for using this library:


  1. Executing deployment scripts on a remote server

  2. Downloading and uploading files via SFTP

  3. Generating SSH keys dynamically in an application

  4. Displaying live output for remote commands executed on a server

  5. Testing an SSH or SFTP connection


连接到远程服务器 (Connecting to the Remote Server)

Using , you can connect to your remote server with any of the following authentication methods:

使用 ,您可以使用以下任何一种身份验证方法连接到远程服务器:

  1. RSA key

  2. Password Protected RSA key

  3. Username and Password (Not recommended)

    用户名和密码( 不推荐 )

RSA密钥 (RSA Key)

We will assume that you have a secure RSA key already generated. If you are not familiar with generating a secure RSA key pair, you can go through . For a video explanation, you can refer to from Servers For Hackers.

我们将假定您已经生成了一个安全的RSA密钥。 如果您不熟悉生成安全的RSA密钥对,则可以阅读 。 有关视频的说明,请参阅从“黑客服务器” 。

To log in to a remote server using RSA key authentication:


namespace App;use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;$key = new RSA();$key->loadKey(file_get_contents('privatekey'));//Remote server's ip address or hostname$ssh = new SSH2('');if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) {    exit('Login Failed');}

受密码保护的RSA密钥 (Password Protected RSA Key)

If your RSA keys are password protected, do not worry. takes care of this particular use case:

如果您的RSA密钥受密码保护,请不要担心。 处理这个特殊的用例:

namespace App;use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;$key = new RSA();$key->setPassword('your-secure-password');$key->loadKey(file_get_contents('privatekey'));//Remote server's ip address or hostname$ssh = new SSH2('');if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) {    exit('Login Failed');}

用户名和密码 (Username and Password)

Alternatively, to log in to your remote server using a username and password (we don’t recommend this practice):


namespace App;use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;//Remote server's ip address or hostname$ssh = new SSH2('');if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {    exit('Login Failed');}

For other options such as No Authentication or Multi-Factor authentication please


在远程服务器上执行命令 (Executing Commands on the Remote Server)

The code to execute commands on a remote server is pretty simple. You call the $ssh->exec($cmd) method with the command to execute as the parameter.

在远程服务器上执行命令的代码非常简单。 您可以使用命令调用$ssh->exec($cmd)方法以将其作为参数执行。

namespace App;use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;$key = new RSA();$key->loadKey(file_get_contents('privatekey'));//Remote server's ip address or hostname$ssh = new SSH2('');if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) {    exit('Login Failed');}$ssh->exec('ls -la');

在远程服务器上执行多个命令 (Executing Multiple Commands on Remote Server)

In real life applications, we rarely execute a single command. We often need to traverse around the server using cd and execute many other commands. If you try to execute multiple commands on the remote server as below, it won’t give you the desired output:

在实际应用中,我们很少执行单个命令。 我们经常需要使用cd遍历服务器并执行许多其他命令。 如果您尝试按如下所示在远程服务器上执行多个命令,它将不会为您提供所需的输出:

$ssh->exec('pwd'); //outputs /home/username$ssh->exec('cd mysite.com');$ssh->exec('pwd'); //outputs /home/username

The reason for above is that a call to the exec method does not carry state forward to the next exec call. To execute multiple commands without losing state:

上面的原因是对exec方法的调用不会将状态传递给下一个exec调用。 要执行多个命令而不丢失状态:

$ssh->exec('cd /home/username; ls -la'); //Lists all files at /home/username

You can append as many commands as you wish with a semicolon or new line character PHP_EOL.


For example, if you want to run a full deployment script for Laravel:


$ssh->exec(      "git pull origin master" . PHP_EOL        . "composer install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist" . PHP_EOL        . "composer dump-autoload -o" . PHP_EOL        . "php artisan optimize" . PHP_EOL        . "php artisan migrate --force");

出现第一个错误时退出 (Exiting on First Error)

In the above script, the whole set of commands is executed as a single shell script. Every command will be executed, even if some of them fail, just like in a regular shell script. As a default, this is fine, but if we need to exit on the first error, we have to alter our bash script. This is not something specific to , it is related to bash scripting.

在上面的脚本中,整个命令集作为单个shell脚本执行。 每个命令都会执行,即使其中一些失败也会像常规的shell脚本一样执行。 默认情况下,这很好,但是如果需要在第一个错误时退出,则必须更改bash脚本。 这不是特定于东西,它与bash脚本相关。

If you put a set -e option at the beginning of the script, the script will terminate as soon as any command in the chain returns a non-zero value.

如果在脚本的开头放置set -e选项,则该脚本将在链中的任何命令返回非零值后立即终止。

For example, the modified version of the above deployment script would be


$ssh->exec(    "set -e" . PHP_EOL        . "git pull origin master" . PHP_EOL         . "composer install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist" . PHP_EOL        . "composer dump-autoload -o" . PHP_EOL        . "php artisan optimize" . PHP_EOL        . "php artisan migrate --force");

The above script will terminate if any of the commands results in an error.


收集输出 (Gathering Output)

The exec method returns the output of your remote script:


$output = $ssh->exec('ls -la');echo $output;

Sometimes, however, it does not return the whole output. You can overcome this by passing a closure as a second argument to the exec method to make sure that any uncaught output will also be returned.

但是,有时它不会返回整个输出。 您可以通过将闭包作为第二个参数传递给exec方法来克服此问题,以确保还返回任何未捕获的输出。

$ssh->exec(    $deployment_script, function ($str) {        $output .= $str;});echo $output;

Note: Error output, if any, will also be returned by the exec method or the underlying closure.


显示实时输出 (Displaying Live Output)

If you want to execute the script via console commands and display live output, you can achieve this by echoing the output in the underlying closure.


$ssh->exec($deployment_script, function ($str) {    echo $str;});

If you want to display it in a web browser, you need to flush (send) the output buffer with ob_flush().


$ssh->exec(    $deployment_script, function ($str) {        echo $str;        flush();        ob_flush();});

其他配置选项 (Other Configuration Options)

It’s also possible to set many other available configuration options. You can call them as $ssh->{option}.

还可以设置许多其他可用的配置选项。 您可以将它们称为$ssh->{option}

For example: $ssh->setTimeout(100).

例如: $ssh->setTimeout(100)

All the options we haven’t covered yet are in the table below:


Option Use case
setTimeout($seconds) $ssh->exec('ping'); on a Linux host will never return and will run indefinitely. setTimeout() makes it so it’ll timeout. Setting $timeout to false or 0 will mean there is no timeout.
write($cmd) Inputs a command into an interactive shell.
read() Returns the output of an interactive shell
isTimeout() Return true if the result of the last $ssh->read() or $ssh->exec() was due to a timeout. Otherwise it will return false.
isConnected() Returns true if the connection is still active
enableQuietMode() Suppresses stderr so no errors are returned
disableQuietMode() Includes stderr in output
isQuiteModeEnabled() Returns true if quiet mode is enabled
enablePTY() Enable request-pty when using exec()
disablePty() Disable request-pty when using exec()
isPTYEnabled() Returns true if request-pty is enabled
getLog() Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received.
getServerPublicHostKey() Returns the server public host key. Returns false if the server signature is not signed correctly with the public host key.
getExitStatus() Returns the exit status of an SSH command or false.
getLanguagesClient2Server() Return a list of the languages the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getLanguagesServer2Client() Return a list of the languages the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client() Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server() Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client() Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server() Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client() Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server() Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getServerHostKeyAlgorithms() Return a list of the host key (public key) algorithms the server supports.
getKexAlgorithms() Return a list of the key exchange algorithms the server supports.
选项 用例
setTimeout($seconds) $ssh->exec('ping'); 在Linux主机上将永远不会返回并且将无限期运行。 setTimeout()使它超时。 将$timeout设置$timeout false或0表示没有超时。
write($cmd) 将命令输入到交互式外壳中。
read() 返回交互式shell的输出
isTimeout() 如果最后的$ssh->read()$ssh->exec()结果是由于超时而返回的,则返回true。 否则它将返回false。
isConnected() 如果连接仍处于活动状态,则返回true
enableQuietMode() 禁止stderr,因此不会返回任何错误
disableQuietMode() 在输出中包含stderr
isQuiteModeEnabled() 如果启用了安静模式,则返回true
enablePTY() 使用exec()时启用request-pty
disablePty() 使用exec()时禁用request-pty
isPTYEnabled() 如果启用了request-pty,则返回true
getLog() 返回已发送和接收的数据包的日志。
getServerPublicHostKey() 返回服务器公共主机密钥。 如果未使用公共主机密钥正确签名服务器签名,则返回false。
getExitStatus() 返回SSH命令的退出状态或为false。
getLanguagesClient2Server() 从客户端接收内容时,返回服务器支持的语言列表。
getLanguagesServer2Client() 将内容发送到客户端时,返回服务器支持的语言列表。
getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client() 将内容发送到客户端时,返回服务器支持的压缩算法的列表。
getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server() 从客户端接收内容时,返回服务器支持的压缩算法的列表。
getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client() 将内容发送到客户端时,返回服务器支持的MAC算法列表。
getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server() 当从客户端接收消息时,返回服务器支持的MAC算法列表。
getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client() 在将内容发送到客户端时,返回服务器支持的(对称密钥)加密算法的列表。
getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server() 从客户端接收内容时,返回服务器支持的(对称密钥)加密算法的列表。
getServerHostKeyAlgorithms() 返回服务器支持的主机密钥(公共密钥)算法的列表。
getKexAlgorithms() 返回服务器支持的密钥交换算法的列表。

备择方案 (Alternatives)

  1. – The library provides similar functionality, but is a little less intuitive to use, and it requires you to have installed on the server, which most shared hosts don’t have.

    –该库提供类似的功能,但使用起来不太直观,它要求您在服务器上安装 ,而大多数共享主机都没有。

  2. – Symfony’s component for writing your own script for connecting and executing commands – as you would do in a normal terminal. This limits us in the configuration options that we might need to set. Achieving the same functionality the above configuration methods provide us with with Process would require in-depth bash knowledge. If your use-case involves only running a local script, however, this might prove to be a useful component.

    – Symfony的组件,用于编写自己的脚本以连接和执行命令–与在普通终端中一样。 这限制了我们可能需要设置的配置选项。 要实现上述配置方法为Process提供的相同功能,需要深入的bash知识。 但是,如果您的用例仅涉及运行本地脚本,则可能证明这是一个有用的组件。

摘要 (Summary)

In this article, we introduced , a package which provides an alternative for . We have covered the configuration options necessary to get started, and the table above should help you fill in the gaps and give an overview of other configuration options available to you.

在本文中,我们介绍了 ,这是一个可替代的软件包。 我们已经介绍了入门所需的配置选项,并且上表应帮助您填补空白,并概述您可以使用的其他配置选项。

For an in-depth implementation of key-based communication, see our .

有关基于密钥的通信的深入实现,请参阅我们 。

How do you execute remote commands? Can you think of any advanced use cases for this library? What are they? Let us know in the comments!

您如何执行远程命令? 您能想到该库的任何高级用例吗? 这些是什么? 让我们在评论中知道!




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